Selasa, 08 September 2009

Get the Best ROI From Your Education

. Selasa, 08 September 2009

Everything in America simply costs more these days. In addition to consumer goods, housing, and health care, you'll spend more of your hard-earned dollars on your education than ever before. In the last decade, in-state college tuition at many public colleges and universities has risen by as much as 37 percent. That's why today's students--whether they're first-time degree seekers or adults returning to college for additional career training--are crunching the numbers.

Some online college degree and career training programs offer accredited instruction at annual costs lower than the 2009 average public school price tag of $14,333 for housing, books, and tuition, or the private school average of $34,132. But whether they choose an online college or brick and mortar institution, students are evaluating projections for the job market in terms of earnings and openings.

If you're in search for the most bang for your education buck, here are some top-paying careers with solid employment opportunities for grads from associate, bachelor's, and graduate degree programs:
Associate Degree Wonders

Want to spend two years in college and launch your first career or new profession ASAP? The health care industry is predicted to add three million new jobs between 2006 and 2016. Look over these hot options:

* Radiation Therapist. Earn an associate's degree and begin treating patients in hospitals, clinics, and private physicians' offices. Job growth is predicted at 25 percent during the 2006-2016 decade. Median wages in 2008 were $72,910.
* Dental Hygienist. You can train for this career online and practice on campus during lab hours as part of your associate's degree. Projected openings from 2006 to 2016 top out at 30 percent, making this career choice a winner for many. Median wages in 2008 were $66,570.

Bachelor's Degree Power Lifters

Many professions these days require you to hold a bachelor's degree. If you've already earned a two-year degree, two more years of career training can put you at the front of the hiring line for these often well-paid and fast-budding professions:

* Environmental Engineer. As America goes green, so will many traditional technical jobs. Environmental engineers will enjoy an exceptional 25 percent job growth during the 2006-2016 decade. Earn your bachelor's degree and work on developing solutions that prevent or eliminate environmental hazards. Median 2008 annual earnings were $74,020, with top salaries at $115,430.
* Accountant. Math and business courses are king for today's college students. Start by earning your online bachelor's degree in accounting, then take test prep courses to pass your CPA exams for top earnings. Job growth is predicted to reach 18 percent through the 2006 to 2016 decade. 2008 median annual wages were $59,430, with top-paid accountants taking home six figures.

Master's Degree Paydays

Earn your graduate degree and get paid. If you hold an undergraduate degree, online master's degree programs can qualify you for advancement to administrative or management roles in your professional group. Openings for master's degree holders are expected in health care, finance, education, and commerce. Here are three exceptional options:

* Personal Financial Advisor. You might land a job with a financial services or consulting firm with as little as a bachelor's degree, but earning your M.B.A. can really position you for success at the top of a firm or in opening your own consultancy. Median 2008 earnings were $69,050, with high end of the scale surpassing $100,000. Even better: Job growth for personal financial advisors is predicted to reach 37 percent between 2006 and 2016.
* Health Care Administrator. If you have a background in management or in health care, earning your M.B.A. in finance, human resource management, or operations can land you this exceptional role. A faster-than-average 16 percent increase in jobs for health care administrators is predicted between 2006 and 2016. The 2008 median annual wage for administrators was $80,240, with the top 10 percent of professionals averaging $132,580.
* Physical Therapist. A third of the nation's physical therapist career training programs offer master's degrees, with the balance leading to a doctoral degree. Job opportunities will be strong in hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation facilities. Projections call for a healthy 27 percent increase in jobs in the 2006 to 2016 decade. The median 2008 annual wage was $72,790.

There's no black magic in finding the best potential return on your educational investment of time and money. At the bottom line, you always earn the best odds for success if you love the career choice you make and enjoy showing up for work.

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